VIC-3D Real-Time Processing Module

VIC-3D Real-Time Processing Module

VIC-3D Real-Time Processing Module

Processing speed is particularly important for long image sequences, such as during high-speed measurements or cyclic loading. As the world-leader in Digital Image Correlation, Correlated Solutions has developed the most efficient algorithms and coding that is commercially available. Up to 85,000 data points/second can be processed using a modern consumer PC with a single Intel Quad-Core processor. This is at least 10 times faster than any other commercially available systems of which we are aware.


VIC-3D Real-Time Processing Module

Processing speed is particularly important for long image sequences, such as during high-speed measurements or cyclic loading. As the world-leader in Digital Image Correlation, Correlated Solutions has developed the most efficient algorithms and coding that is commercially available. Up to 85,000 data points/second can be processed using a modern consumer PC with a single Intel Quad-Core processor. This is at least 10 times faster than any other commercially available systems of which we are aware.

A real-time processing module is available that allows full-field 3D test data to be displayed live from streaming images while the test is running. Users can freely choose the data density for processing rates of 2-10 Hz. Live data is displayed in an unlimited number of user specified 3D plots, 2D contour image overlays, and cross-sectional graphs.

Even if you choose not to use the Real-Time module, your work can be carried out much more efficiently using our systems. Consider a test sequence of 150 images, each of which contains 200,000 data points to be measured. With the Vic-3D system, this entire sequence could be processed in under 10 minutes. Any other conventional digital image correlation system would require almost 2 hours to process the same data, even on a very fast computer.